Sabtu, 17 November 2012

never everrrr !!!

17 Nove 2012

It's funny. Ini blog terakhir yang gue bikin, jarang gue tengokin, tapi isinya paling banyak (dan paling ngga jelas). Almost, or maybe all of posts just complaining or angry or disappointed or else. Tapi gue malah suka liatnya. Meski tetap ada topeng di blog ini. Iyalah, gila aja, gue ceritain aja gitu ke sedunia? Njeesss.

Today sih, gue cuma pengen bilang aja. I HATE NEGLECTing. I've enough being neglect in my childhood. ENOUGH. So, I WON'T be with someone or people (yeah, i untrust you people) who will be neglecting me like my parents treat me as a child. HURT you know.

Rabu, 30 Mei 2012


I afraid to think that i <3 u so that much. I afraid to be hurt (again). But in few months, everything seems like ... to be ok forever. Nothing forever, i know. Too many things in my mind, too many fears of. Maybe i can love you today. Hope i'll stand forever, so do you.

This fears unreasonable, sometimes. But sometimes isn't. I don't know how do you feel. Are you feel the same? Are you think that much 'bout me? Are love me enough to be sure? I love you but i'm not sure. For me this is not wrong. This is so reasonable, i'm not picky. Maybe your effrots are enough, just may fear need to fade away. I think that much, as always.

I don't want to loose you, but in same time, i'm not sure at all. Are we make it? Are we worth it for one another? Are we? Are we? Are we can be OUR?

I didn't wanna you change, even the worse things. But i want to... to be sure. I want to everyone happy with my choice. I want my self HAPPY. It's all. :)

Selasa, 31 Januari 2012


gue juga pernah jomblo kali, tapi ga segatel itu ama laki orang!

lo gatel gue garuk sini, PAKE PISAU!

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

so, wrong again.

14th January 2012

So, today i decide to brought a calculator. In my opinion, my intention, it just can "u" use during examination.

Guess what? I'm wrong again to try being initiative to help.

"u" always right. :)


just so simple, then i have veryveryvery a worse day. (very much!)

Life show me anything i can't expect. How nice. :')
Good deeds lead to bad, how can expected?